Monday, November 3, 2008

The first couple weeks

The first couple weeks of the pregnancy were full of ups and downs, but mostly ups. When we had the miscarriage, part of me was worried that I would be absolutely terrified the next time I was pregnant and part of me felt that I would be peaceful because I survived a miscarriage once and if it happened again, I knew God would carry me through it. A few days after we learned we were expecting, I went to a wedding shower for my dear friend Katie Gersch. At the shower another dear childhood (and adulthood!) friend, Amy Hanson, asked me how everything was going. She was so excited when I told her we were expecting and after I told her I felt very nervous she said to me, "Whitney.. God is Sovereign!!". He is! Whenever I felt nervous, I remembered those words and felt better. This is God's child. He gives. He takes away.
And through it all, He is sovereign.

The first beta came back at 93 (I know that doesn't mean anything to the majority of you but I am using this blog as a journal so I can remember in the future). My second beta was two days later. The hcG is supposed to double every 48-72 hours. My first and second beta were 41 hours apart, and the beta exactly doubled to 186. Coincidence?? Probably not. My third beta was 4 days later and it had more than doubled twice. It felt great to be on the right track!

We told Josh's family about the baby at the State Fair on August 23rd. We had just walked out of the birthing center where we saw incredibly pregnant cows, pigs, and newborn little animals. Josh turned to his family and said, "Well.. that was fitting because we are expecting TOO!!". "Too?!?!" "No! Also!! He meant 'also'!". After we told them that our due date was April 27th, just 9 days after Heather and Sean's wedding in Wisconsin, Sean told me that they have hospitals in Wisconsin and they can decorate the room in purple so the baby doesn't come out a Packer fan.

Here are a couple belly pictures!

12 weeks

14 weeks 1 day


Anonymous said...

What! I clearly wasn't there when you were given permission to decorate the room in purple!

Bethany said...

I looooooooove these!!!!!!!!!

So happy for you!

Anonymous said...

Ohhhh... look at your cute little baby tummy!! Precious!

Anonymous said...

I am sitting here crying as I read your blog today. What a miracle! What a blessing! Our little family is growing and we have so many miracles to be thankful for; Whitney, Barry, Sean and baby Docken are all the most amazing additions to our family! Praise the Lord! love, Grandma Annie