Claire had her two week "well visit" this morning at the Pediatrician. Josh went with us, which made me very glad! The appt went very well. By the time babies are two weeks old, they want them to be back at their birth weight, which was 5 lbs 4 oz for Claire.
Well today Claire weighed.....
drum roll.............
6 lbs 8 oz!!!!!
Amazing! Josh and I so thrilled. The Pediatrician called her growth "phenomenal". She's going to be a chunky monkey in no time! It makes me feel good that all of the hard work we put into breastfeeding is paying off. (Breastfeeding is going well, but it is a lot of work and it's tough- no question about that).
The pediatrician (who, by the way, we really like!! The Ped. we had at her weight check was not cool but we really like this doctor so we're sticking with her) also was impressed with her alertness and how she was moving her hands. I guess most babies at this point have their hands still curled in a little ball but Claire's hands fingers were streched apart and opening and closing.
This is all good news...but then Dr Hansen busted out the dreaded C word.... colic! She said babies generally aren't diagnosed with colic until they are 3 weeks old but she said Claire has all of the signs and symptoms of colic. On one hand, that's hard to hear but on the other, it's reassuring that there's (most likely) nothing physically wrong with Claire and this is a phase she'll grow out of. Unfortunately, Dr. Hansen said it should worsen over the next few weeks but then start improving around 6-8 weeks and be virtually gone by 12 weeks- just in time for me to return to work!! While it has been rough and I dread the evenings, I am so glad that Josh is as good as he is with her. If I had this fussy (and more precious than anything in the world) baby and a clueless husband, like most first time fathers are, it would be much harder! We'll get through it. We're a really good team. And we love her to pieces.
Okay, I'm going to grab something to eat before she wakes up.
Thank you to everyone for your support! We soooo appreciate the support, encouragement, meals (!!!), and well wishes. Again, I'm sorry if you have been wanting to visit and we haven't had you over yet. It's so hard during the week because her evenings are usually miserable. Soon- I promise!
annie kate
6 years ago
I was wondering if she was going to take after Josh--I think a picture of each of you as babies is merited.
Love, Auntie H
I'm not surprised that Claire is "above average". Of course she is. And yes her daddy was a chunky monkey too. Colic is no fun, but now you know and can deal with it. let us know if you need "relief pitchers" to give you a break.
Great Aunt Sue
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