Saturday, July 25, 2009

3 Months

Claire is 3 months old today! Wow!

Claire at three months:

  • rolls over!! Annie saw it on Thursday and Josh and I saw it today! (I asked Annie to not share any more milestones with me. It hit me hard when I heard that I missed her roll over for the first time. I spent almost every waking minute with Claire the first 12 weeks of her life, and then I'm gone for 4 days and she rolls over! Unbelievable!).
  • is a happy girl. She hardly ever fusses, except for when she's tired or bored. She doesn't even cry much when she's hungry. Last night, for instance, she slept for 10 hours and 15 minutes! When she woke up, she just laid patiently in her bassinet and waited for me to go to the bathroom and brush my teeth before getting her. She was all smiles while I changed her diaper and then ate a big meal. It never ceases to surprise me how patient she is even when she hasn't ate in 10 1/2 hours!
  • still sleeps throught the night. She hasn't gotten up during the night since she was 5-6 weeks old. Not even one time. Amazing.
  • is very responsive. She smiles, laughs, and "talks" in response to us.
  • is taking the bottle better. The first day of daycare was rough, for Claire and for Annie, but she quickly learned that Mama can't stay home with her no matter how stubborn she is. She usually takes the bottle like a dream now!
  • is on more of a feeding schedule. She eats every 3-4 hours and about 3 ounces at a time when she takes a bottle.
  • loves shopping at Target. Just like her mama.
  • wears 0-3 months clothes. She'll outgrow them in length long before she outgrows them in weight. She weighs approximately 10 lbs 4 oz, give or take a pound. This is based on the scientific method of me standing on the scale with and without her.
  • likes to nap in her bouncer, swing, and carseat. She continues to take really good naps. Sometimes she'll take 30 minute cat naps, but she usually has one to two good 1.5-2.5 hour naps during the day.

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