Friday, July 3, 2009

5 years

5 years of marriage

8 years of knowing my best friend

2 houses

1 dog

8 jobs

2 times living with Whitney's mom

1 million kisses

4 vehicles for Whitney

Countless vehicles for Josh

5 trips (not including Florida)

1 graduate school program

500,000 (approx) laughs

2 pregnancies

1 miscarriage

1 baby that is the light of our lives

2 surgeries

5 anniversary cards x2

A few tears

3,000 Craiglist purchases or sales

3 engaged siblings

4 retreats with our confirmation kids

1 year of teaching sunday school together

4 years of being confirmation mentors together

5 years of marriage.... today!!

I love you so much, honey. I am so blessed and honored to travel through life with you!!

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