Friday, April 9, 2010

Letting Go and Letting God

I had a big morning at work. I had an IDA (Individual Development Assessment), which everyone in my pyramid has about every 2 years. My 6 interviews were with senior leaders (my boss' boss' boss and his peers) so it was important they went well!! I was also told it was a possibility to have a new job opportunity out of this so I was sort of interviewing for a job but I had no idea what the job(s) were. My boss' boss had done some digging around and told me he learned what some of them were but refused to tell me! So that was cool. Anyways, I was pretty nervous and stressed out!

Last night I was laying in bed and praying for all sorts of things... for peace, calmness, clarity, that my assessors would see the true Whitney, for clear communication, composure, (total coincidence they almost all started with "C"...hmm..)etc etc. And then I prayed simply for God's will to happen. Whatever that may be. And I instantly felt a wave of peace and relaxation fall over me.

It's so easy to fall into the trap that we think we know what is best for us. All we need to do is tell God (as if He didn't know) and pray that it be so. But the truth is, there is no sweeter spot to be than in alignment with GOD's will. Not our own. When Josh and I struggled for months and months and months to conceive a child I cried out in anguish and would plead with God to "Please, please make us parents. Please bless us with a baby. But only if it's Your will. But I pray that it IS Your will. Amen." It's hard to completely let go and pray for God's will to be done in our lives.

But I am trying to do that more and more. When I prayed last night for His will to be done, not mine, I felt a peace.

This morning went well. I pretty much blew the first interview but did fairly well, I think, in the other 5. Who knows what will happen. Maybe I'll get feedback that helps me to develop further as a leader and maintain my current position for the foreseeable future. Maybe I'll have an opportunity for a new position. Maybe I'll even get a promotion. But whatever happens, I pray that it's God's will, not my own. Easier said than done!!!

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