Thursday, April 22, 2010

Random thoughts

  • A co-worker, who hails from Michigan, told me today that I love Minnesota more than anyone else he knows. Hmmm... I DO love Minnesota! I love the sports teams, the weather, the seasons, the education system, the lakes, the cities, 'up north' (especially now that I have a cabin to visit 'up north'!!!), the people, and I could go on and on! But it's funny that a co-worker that I'm not even that close to would make this observation!

  • Claire has SIX teeth all of a sudden!! The bottom two are completely in, two on the top are partially in, and two more on the top just broke through. WOW! Where is my baby going??

  • I am feeling very nostalgic this week!! I so remember the last week of my pregnancy. The emotions, the excitement, taking a gazillion walks (Sydney was LOVING her life), not sleeping at all, feeling like the end would never come, and not being able to call my mom without her answering "are you in labor?!?!?!?!?!?!?". While part of me wishes I could turn back time and go through all the magical moments all over again (including the labor and delivery; I loved my labor and delivery!) and the sheer excitement of having our baby girl finally in our arms and lives. But another (huge) part of me can't imagine not being exactly where we are right now- with this amazing little being that has wants, desires, emotions, and a large personality! We've come so far and I can't help but get wrapped up in reflection!

This little tiny baby

was sent from God above

To fill our hearts with happiness

and touch our lives with love

He must have known we'd give our all

And always do our best

To give our precious baby love

And be grateful and so blessed.

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