Sunday, April 25, 2010

She's 1!!

Claire is one year old today!! She had a great day. I'll post pictures and more about her birthday party tomorrow! She was overwhelmed with all of her friends and family at her house and kept shoveling the cake into her mouth while alligator tears streamed down her face. It was precious! We had a great turn out at the party and I think everyone enjoyed themselves. Tomorrow is Claire's doctor appt and I'm anxious to see how much she's grown! I'm hoping for 16 pounds :)

The weather today was much like last April 25th- rainy, dreary and cool. I continued the tradition of an Italian dinner on April 25th- last year it was spaghetti and meatballs (which I ate about 1 1/2 hours (I think??) after giving birth) and this year it was lasagna!

Last year I posted a loooong post about my labor and delivery. Since I'm nostalgic today and enjoy taking a trip down memory lane, here it is!

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