Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Claire is Oh! So! Much! Fun!

Claire is so, so, so much fun. I know what parents mean now when they say that every stage becomes their favorite stage! It’s a couple weeks yet until my next monthly update so I wanted to get these down before I forget!!

Claire somehow learned how to “sit”. If you tell her to sit, she'll stop whatever she is doing and plop down on her bottom. It’s so much cuter than I can describe in words! Neither us nor Annie taught her this new ‘trick’ so the best we can come up with is that she learned it from Sydney! We tell Sydney to sit on occasion and I wonder if her little mind picked it up from that! It goes to show how much they absorb without us even knowing it. Maybe it’s a good thing we never taught Sydney to roll over or play dead. :)

Gives high-fives, and even double high-fives when prompted.


Wipes her hands back and forth like she’s trying to wipe something off of them. She’ll do it when she’s done eating. Again, really cute.

Is bilingual when it comes to her belly button. She’ll lift up her shirt and show you her belly button if you ask her “where’s your belly button?” or “Where’s your pupik?” (which is Czech for belly button).

Can point to her nose when you ask her where it is. This looks very similar however to the next trick.

Blows kisses!

Shakes her head yes and no. She started off with no but we're teaching her to be a yes girl. :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I can't wait to see all of these tricks next Monday!!! :)