Our friendship began in Middle School but blossomed in High School. Angela and I were in Marching Band together (go Colorguard! J) and played softball together in the summer for the Rosemount City League. I think it was junior year that we had some dress-up day for Spirit week and I’m actually blanking on some of the details right now, but basically, Angela and I didn’t participate in the theme but just happened to be dressed similarly that day so we said we were dressed as “twins” and ever since, our nickname for each other has been “twin”. We had tons of fun co-captaining the Eastview Colorguard our senior year and winning the Championship (despite the odds against us, seriously we were like David and the team we beat (twice) for the championship was like Goliath) in softball the summer before college.
Angela and I were both registered to attend the University of Saint Thomas for college. We were assigned to different dorms but we were super excited to be at school together. In the 11th hour, Angela changed her mind and decided to attend a small college in Iowa, called Wartburg.
In July 2004, I married a guy named Josh.
Just five months later in December 2004, Angela married a guy named Josh.
This year we’ll both celebrate our 6 year anniversary….. to men named Josh.
In May 2008, she had her spring baby, a boy named Isaiah.
One year later, in April 2009, I had my spring baby.
In November 2009, she had her autumn baby, a girl named Campbell.
One year later, in November 2010, I will have my autumn baby, a boy.
For real….. twins.
We will both have babies that are 18 months apart, our first, a spring baby, and our second, an autumn baby, and we will both have one of each gender!!
It has been so wonderful to travel through life’s experiences with each other… calling each other for support and guidance during the sometimes tough first year of marriage, experiencing our pregnancies, then our joys and challenges with our first baby… and now I’ll be able to rely on her for support and advice on how to manage TWO under TWO!! I am always interested in seeing what happens in her life because it might mean it’s just around the corner for mine. :)
annie kate
6 years ago
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