Wednesday, October 27, 2010


It's only 6:17AM, but already today is not off to a great start.  My commute home (32 miles) yesterday took 1 hour 50 minutes and it was stressful to drive in the crazy winds in a vehicle that desparately needs new ties.  Then I literally got ZERO sleep last night.  The winds certainly didn't help my pregnancy-induced insomnia.  I tried different rooms in the house and still- nada.  How do you not sleep a wink?!  This morning I had a conference call with a company in China at 6AM.  I'm sitting on the couch now, needing to get up and head out for my day full of meetings.  I have just 30 minutes today (including the lunch hour) that isn't filled with a meeting.  So....yeah.... I'm feeling a little down. 

But then I read this. 

And it keeps me grounded.

I don't know who wrote it.  But I like it.

Live each day knowing all of the Gospel is true.
Live each day determined to be
useful and joyful in Jesus.
Live this day in a way that,
should all things change tomorrow,
you will know that the Lord is your God
and this is the day to be satisfied in Him.

No matter my circumstances, I desire and choose to be useful and joyful in Jesus today.  Amen! 


Annie Docken said...

Would it be wrong to suggest a warm bubbly bath with some of Claire's nighttime soap before bedtime?

Bethanie said...

I hope your night tonight goes much better (commute and sleep). I would've thought for sure your lowest level would be sound proof. What kind of a theater room is Josh running?!

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for this post. It is exactly what I needed to hear as well when I feel like everything is staked against me for the day. It seems much more manageable now.

I also got little sleep last night. God, I hope mine is not pregnancy induced! Yikes! ;) Here's to a night of restful sleep for us both!