Monday, October 18, 2010

Men are from Mars; Women are from Venus

A short example to highlight the difference between me and Josh:

Whitney’s involvement in the October 16th photo shoot

  • I see an opportunity to do a mini photo session in October with the woman who will be doing our son’s newborn pictures.  The purpose of the session is to get 18 mos pictures of Claire, some maternity pictures for me, and some last photos of us as a family of three.  I talk to Josh about it, get his approval, book the session, pay the money. 
  • I find an outfit for Claire.
  • I decide the outfit isn’t cute enough and find a new one for Claire at Target.
  • I find the perfect shoes to match the Target outfit for Claire at Gap.   Once I try them on Claire, I find that the shoes are too small.  I return the shoes but they don’t have a bigger size.  So I find a bigger size of the shoe at a different Gap location.
  • I shop for a maternity shirt for myself to coordinate with Claire.    
  • Make sure Claire’s outfit is washed and ironed (thanks Annie for ironing the shorts!). 

The night before: 
  • I had searched high and low for thicker cream tights to go with Claire’s outfit but hadn’t found anything that worked. So I ran to Burnsville center and found a pair at the third store I visited.

The day of (Saturday morning): 
  • I print directions.  
  • Remind Josh that we have to leave by 11:10 (after calculating how much time we need to allow for travel, traffic, etc.  The pictures were in Rogers).   
  • Shower and get ready.   
  • Plan Claire’s nap time so that she can have a bath after she gets up, so she doesn’t go down for a nap with wet hair and get bed head.  
  • Remind Josh again that we need to leave at 11:10.  
  • Feed Claire an early lunch. 
  • Pack more snacks for Claire in her diaper bag since she’ll be hungry once it’s over.  Pour a sippy cup of water and put it in the bag. 
  • Make sure she has a change of clothes, diapers, etc, in her diaper bag.  
  • Get her dressed.  
  • Get myself dressed.  
  • Feed myself lunch.  

Josh’s involvement

The day of:  
  • He gets in the shower at 10:55AM.  
  • At 11:08AM he asks me what he should wear.  I tell him it’s his decision.   
  • At 11:10 he walks into the closet, picks a brown sweater and a pair of jeans, and gets dressed.

We’re out the door at 11:18AM.

I honestly could not ask for a better dad for my children, but seriously, women don’t get enough credit for what we do!! 

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