Monday, November 15, 2010

Sleepless in Savage

This is only a phase....
Please go to sleep, Max.
Dear Lord, please help Max sleep so we can all sleep.
This is only a phase....
I can do this... I can do this...
I love you, Max
It's only a phase..

If you ever wondered what it's like to be in my head, there you go.  Those are the thoughts that go through my mind all night long when I'm not sleeping.  Max's sleeping (or lack thereof) at night is getting worse and worse with each passing day.  Last night he got one 3 hour stretch (for which I was very, very thankful) but didn't sleep for more than 45 minutes at a time beyond that.  There'll be times that he is awake for an hour or two at a time and then times he'll fall asleep, only to wake up 20 minutes later to start the cycle all over again.  He sleeps really well in my arms but within minutes of laying him in the basinnet, he's awake.  And crying.  And hungry.  Except I don't really think he's hungry because he just ate 5 times in the previous 2 hours and my milk supply is well established so I know he's getting enough milk.  And to complicate matters, when he cries, Claire wakes up and cries, so I desperately try to keep him quiet. 

What does he have against the basinnet?!?!?!

I can't sit up and hold him all night long.  We've tried swaddled.  No swaddle.  Hat on.  Hat off.  Fleece blanket.  Cotton blanket.  Holding him (while he's sleeping) upright on my shoulder for 20 minutes before laying him down to let him burp and get gas out.  Laying him down right from eating without burping.  He's not terribly upset or uncomfortable.  He just wants to be held while he sleeps.  That's not too much to ask, right Mama??? 


Getting 3 hours of sleep is not going to be sustainable for me, particularly when Josh goes back to work and I need to take care of two babies all day. 

The perplexing thing is that he sleeps like a charm during the day.  On his back.  Without being held.  So why not at night???????

1 comment:

Bethanie said...

You're such a strong person Whit! Max will become a great sleeper! I remember talking to myself just like that in the middle of the night during Brody's rough sleep times, saying "Dear God, please help Brody sleep well tonight for his sake and well-being (and for mine so I can take care of him)."