Our family feels very different these days. Insead of Josh, Whitney, Claire and Sydney, it's Josh, Whitney, Claire and Max. I miss Sydney dearly. Not a day goes by that I don't think of her. Sometimes the memories make me smile and remember her fondly. Other times they make me sad.
We have received two updates. She is doing absolutely wonderfully with her new family. They just adore her. In the last update, Dave said, "I cannot thank you enough for how happy you have made my parents". This situation really is a blessing. We are so happy we found the perfect home for Sydney and that she is making a family very happy. They bring her on walks 2-3 times a day and she frequently enjoys golf cart rides with the mom (probably less so now with the snow!). Their 7 year old granddaughter lives just down the street and she comes to visit Sydney daily. Shockingly, Sydney is getting along very well with their cat too! And Dave said she loves to cuddle every night with his dad. It just warms my heart to think about her with this new family, but it also creates a lump in my throat at the same time. Sydney really is an amazing dog!
annie kate
6 years ago
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