Thursday, February 10, 2011

Max at 3 Months

Max is already three months old!  What a fun little guy this is.  I adore having a little baby around the house again!  When he wakes up during the middle of the night, I struggle getting out of bed, but once I’m rocking him in the chair, it is so sweet and special that I often don’t want to return to bed! 

At 3 months, Max:
·         Is becoming chunky chunky!  I love the rolls on his legs.  He’s wearing size 3-6 month and size 6 month clothing.  His pants need to be large enough to comfortably fit around his tummy but they are usually quite long! 
·         Has three 4 oz bottles during the work-day and nurses 3-5 addt’l times a day.
·         Is super smiley.  He loves attention and will reward you with a huge smile.  My mom said that he smiles with his whole body. 
·         Is a tough cookie, due to his sister and his cousin Brody!  Claire, bless her heart, loves her baby brother but doesn’t understand how to be gentle.   She recently shared her goldfish with him (fortunately Daddy was able to pull them out of his mouth!) and threw a block at him.   
·         Still likes to cuddle, which I absolutely cherish.  It’s like medicine for the soul.
·         Goes to bed around 7:30 PM (in my arms, on the couch.  I’m not ready to put him in his bassinet that early yet; I miss him too much during the day!), nurses around 10PM before I go to bed, gets up once during the night to eat, and then eats again around 5:30-6:00AM.  Lately he’s been waking up several more times after his middle of the night feeding.  I (or Josh, but usually me since his bassinet is next to  my side of the bed) either rock him, give him his pacifier, rub his head, or pat his tummy to get him back to sleep.  I’m getting pretty good at functioning well on 4-6 hours of sleep.
·         Is poor at tummy time.  I don’t think this kid is going to roll over anytime soon. 
·         Is a good, good baby.  What a blessing!  He rarely cries, unless he’s hungry, tired, or wants attention. 

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