Thursday, August 25, 2011

Around here

We've been keeping busy around here lately... 

I went on a strike and I'm refusing to eat anything beyond yogurt.  Which makes for a messy meal when Mommy continues to insist I eat vegetables and fruit too.

Mommy and Daddy have nightly tickle sessions with me and Claire.  

Me and Claire got haircuts and Mommy says I look like a little boy now!  Don't worry, she's going to grow out the top of my hair because she thinks it's so cute when it's a little curly.

Claire also likes to feed me my puffs!

Mommy says Claire looks cute in her new jeggings.  And she was proud of her for practicing her toe points.  She says that'll come in handy when Claire starts ballet in a couple years.

And I got two teethers!  I also like to stand at my toys to play but I get frustrated when I'm all done because I can't figure out how to sit down by myself!

Mommy is home with me and Claire for the next 6 days and we're so excited!  Mommy is going to try to potty train Claire.  I'm happy I get to poop and pee in my diaper for two more years! 

1 comment:

Janeal said...

Such sweet pictures, Whit. I enjoy your "witty" comments, especially Max's comment about wearing diapers for two more years. Made me lol.