Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Bedtime talk

Claire talks... a lot.  Incessantly at times. And she likes to repeat phrases over and over again.  She also insists that we engage in her dialogue.  I learned a new phrase while eating lunch with a co-worker today-- "casually engaged".  This is how I'd describe Claire's minimum requirement of our engagement in her conversations. :)

Tonight after both kids were bathed, I was peacefully nursing Max in his nursery, with my eyes closed and my head resting against the glider.  In the hallway I heard the following from Claire, all within a minute's time (or less than!):

I wanna go night-night!
I need my paci!
My paci is downstairs!
I forgot!
My paci is downstairs!
I forgot!
I forgot!
I have to get it!
Daddy, wash it!
Please wash it, Daddy!
Turn the light on!
I want to wash my paci!
I wanna go night night!

Sometimes I wonder how she keeps up with herself.  She can be exhausting....exhaustingly adorable. And I (almost) never tire of hearing her sweet voice and the thoughts that flow through her little mind. 


SM said...

Yes, she is very determined and focused. When we were at the zoo she was determined to push that stroller all by herself. I couldn't let her as she was
running into people so we compromised. She must have been tired but she kept with it all the way.

April said...

This could have been Cade's string of conversation a year ago. And you're exactly right about the casual engagement in conversation; as long as we gave him an "okay, uh huh..." he was satisfied. Now that he's 3, however, he demands full attention or he'll repeat the same sentence 45 times until we comply. Yes, I love his voice and his "voice," but I relish the silence too!