Claire is at a fun age. She's SO verbal (talking in full sentences and all day long, which can get exhausting!), does the funniest things, and shows spontaneous, unsolicited affection. I wanted to write down a few of the things she has said and done lately.
Sunday night Claire woke up crying sometime around 2AM. I went into her room and she said, "I wanna go lay in the bathroom, Mommy". (She is a super light sleeper and sometimes wakes up from hearing my shower at 5:45AM and won't go back to sleep. Those days we have her lay down on the bathroom floor while we get ready). I said, "No honey, you have to go night-night in your crib. Good night, I love you". She replied, "I love you SO MUCH Mommy!!!".
Monday night I was doing dishes while Josh was giving the kids baths. After Claire finished her bath, she ran to the top of the stairs and screamed down to me in the kitchen, "Mommy! Mommy! I love you SOOOOO MUCH Mommy!"
Claire has a weird reaction to frogs. She loves to look at pictures on everyone's cell phones and when she sees a picture of a frog at my mom's cabin on her phone, she flips out. Odd. I don't think she's ever seen one in person. Well Sunday morning it was really foggy when the two of us walked to the mailbox to get the newspaper. I said, "Claire, it is foggy out here!". She said, "No, Mommy! I don't like frogs! Go away, frogs!!"
She can hardly keep her colors straight, yet she has an uncanny ability to memorize songs. She knows over 20 songs by heart. She will just start singing songs at random and it always makes me smile. The two she sings most often at the moment are "Take me out to the ballgame" and "You never let go".
She is terrified of thunderstorms. Tonight it started storming right before bedtime (grrrreat...). She said, "No boom boom! I don't like boom boom! Boom boom is coming!" This went on and on....
Max is a crawling machine and now gets in her business all the time. You'd think she'd get annoyed but she's taken it in stride so far. She frequently runs up to him, kneels down, and plants a kiss on his lips or forehead. She proclaims, "I love Max sooooooo much!" She stretches her arms out and says, "I love him THIIISSSSSS much!"
This past weekend I went through her new fall/winter clothes that I purchased on super clearance this past year. After I removed the tags (per her demand), she tried on the clothes to see if they fit (most are size 24 months or 2T and are a little large...). She would examine each piece of clothing and either like it or hate it. A couple times she said, "Mommy, this is cute! And it's com-for-ta-ble!"
It's hard to capture how precious our little girl is at this age. She also tests us most days so it's good for me to remember the sweet and funny things she says and does. :)
annie kate
6 years ago
1 comment:
The things she says just crack me up every time I see her! Yesterday after work she pointed to my ring and said "ring", then she pointed to my wrists and said "no watch?"...she just couldn't figure out why I didn't have a watch on. Can you tell her daddy owns a watch business?!
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