Friday, August 12, 2011

Max's new game

Creative little boy, this one is.  He made up his very own game last week.  He likes to call it, "I make a bridge and crush my friends".  Just look.

The first step is that I lift my bottom high in the air and make a bridge for my friends to go through.  See my three friends there?

Then I slam my body down and crush them! 

I do it again and lift my bottom really high in the air. 

This time I take it easy on them and lower myself slowly.

See! They made it through okay!

Mommy, I love my new game!! 


Betsy said...

Okay, I am laughing so hard right now! Kids are so goofy!

The Rings said...

Adorable! He is so sweet, even if he does enjoy crushing his friends :-)

Becky said...

At least he's using toys and not body slamming Claire...yet. Cute pics!

SM said...

That is too funny.