Monday, September 26, 2011


I'm not crafty, although I wish I was.  My friend Katie and I took sewing lessons when we children and I did pretty well but now it's been 20 years since I have touched a sewing machine.  If I ever find time I'd love to try to up my craftiness.  Pinterest is certainly a source of inspiration!  I found an idea for cheap bookshelves here and enjoyed treading in the waters of craftiness.

It took two trips to Ikea to get the racks because apparently they're popular.  But are they used more for spice racks (as they are intended) or for bookshelves?  Hmm.  I decided to spray paint them red, to match Max's room.

I would say I'm below average to poor when it comes to spray paint.  Good thing Max won't notice.  

And here they are!  For a grand total of $14 ($3.99 for each bookshelf plus spray paint), he has cute, functional shelves for his books!  

Now if only we can keep him from using the bookshelves to pull himself up, we'll be good..


modernchemistry said...

what a great idea! i like that the fronts of the books are visible. the red looks wonderful. well done!

SM said...

Very Crafty!! Nice job.

Bethany said...

oh my word I love this and I need those shelves!!!!!