Sunday, September 11, 2011

Claire {hearts} Max

This little girl loves her brother.  She will randomly exclaim, "I LOVE you, Max!" and plant smooches on his sweet little face.  Tonight Grandpa Leroy ("E-fry" to Claire), Great Uncle Doug, Uncle Chris and Aunt Becky came to our house to watch the second half of the Vikings game and enjoy some dinner. Afterwards we hung out on the patio.  It was a beautiful day with amazing weather in the evening, which we know will not last for long!  Claire had a great time pushing Max around the patio and Max thought it was pretty cool too.  I love these two together. 

A quick break to give Max a kiss. 

How could a Mama's heart not overflow? 

Back at it! Her favorite part was running into objects.  She'd SQUEL with laughter.  Becky says it's just a matter of time until Max has a broken bone. :) 


Becky said...

Cute pics! I love that Claire wasn't instructed to give Max a kiss, she just wanted to! I hope Max makes it through the next few years without any broken bones or getting blamed for too much :)

I had a lot of fun over there hanging out with the kiddos!

Janeal said...

Precious pictures, Whitney. Love, love, love those little peanuts!