I should be working today but I worked last Friday so today I'm off! I'm loving my day with the kids so far. Max slept until 7:15am! This week I had to wake him at 6:30 to nurse before I left for work and I hated doing it. Claire has been a very sweet and well-behaved girl today. Ashley, and her kids Izzy (6 weeks younger than Max) and TJ (1 week older than Claire), as well as Rachel and her son Colin (2 1/2 weeks) came over for a playdate. TJ is full of energy and gave Rachel and I a glimpse into our future with our boys! Claire enjoyed having the kids over and said "Thank you for coming" when they packed up to leave. Right now both kids are sleeping and I'm enjoying the quiet time. Tonight I'm meeting Sara and Rachel for dinner and can't wait! Love my Friday fundays!
Colin's practicing his monster faces for Max's birthday party. He already has his monster outfit! Is he gorgeous or what? |
Max: "I'm not really sure what's happening but I think I'm supposed to be screaming...?" |
Max: "I'm outtie!" |
where's Kiera?
She was at daycare. Mama needs to rest (when Colin rests) and recover!
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