Saturday, October 15, 2011

Autumn at the Zoo

Our Fall tour of fun continued today with a visit to the Minnesota Zoo with the three B. Parks.  We visited the new penguin exhibit. 

And Maxwell proved that he's the cutest pumpkin in the patch (shh...don't tell his sister). 

Brody loves Max!  These two are exactly nine months apart. 

Claire practiced her splits on the pumpkin.  She can't jump but she can do the splits. 

She liked the fake pig but didn't like the real ones.  (She's wearing Auntie Bethanie's hat.  I didn't realize it would be this chilly today). 

Uncle Barry and I with the three little rascals, looking at the cows. 

The Parks. 

What else is on the docket for today?  Claire just went down for nap and Max is heading that way.  I am going to try to make cakepops while they're sleeping, as a trial run for Max's birthday party (which is two weeks from tomorrow! Holy moly!).  Tonight Laurie, Andrew, and Landon Ford are coming over for fondue- chicken, steak, shrimp with potatoes, broccoli and carrots for the main course and chocolate fondue with a bunch of dippers for dessert!  A pretty great day! 

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