Sunday, November 27, 2011

Sunday Funday

'Twas a good day.  Unfortunately, it didn't start with going to church and that makes me sad.  I miss our church!  Max naps during the service and I haven't figured out how to get around that.  When he transitions to one nap a day we'll be able to go again.  I am strict about sleep because I know how important it is to my children's health and behavior.  Have any other parents of young children figured out how to go to church when it was during naptime?  Would love to hear your experience!

We had a lazy morning and then I met my dear friend Sarah for coffee at Caribou.  We had a great chat and then I did a little Christmas shopping (so much faster by myself than with two tag-a-longs!) and got groceries at Target.

We enjoyed an afternoon at home of playing, baking, and football-watching.  And I made lasagna for an early dinner. This evening, Daddy ran an errand and Claire, Max and I spent 50 minutes driving around the neighborhood looking at Christmas lights.  Claire is just enamored with the lights.  It's going to be a fun December- I think we'll spend several more evenings enjoying our time together and marveling at those pretty lights.

Claire was a great (really, she was) helper today. She unwrapped the hershey kisses (and only ate one, with my permission). 

Max contributed by buying our baking supplies. (He took TWO steps on Friday! Yay for my big boy! He just can't know he's doing it).  

Then she placed the kisses very carefully into the center of the pretzels. 

Max made sure the goodies baked just long enough.

I enjoyed my four day weekend, especially the 2.5 days of it that I was relatively healthy.  It's back to work tomorrow, but it'll be nice to get back into the swing of things. And I have next Friday off, so it's another short week! Anyone want a playdate on Friday??

1 comment:

Bethanie said...

Wow, I'm very impressed she only had one, what a good girl! Brody would probably have the evidence all over his face and we'd end up with a bunch of empty pretzels.