Thursday, November 3, 2011

Halloween 2011

Josh and I both took October 31st off of work. It was nice to recuperate after Max's party and prepare for the evening's festivities.  We went to the farm (in-laws' home) in the afternoon and it worried me when Claire was insistent on NOT wearing her costume.  Fortunately, I have learned the effectiveness of M&Ms and that's all it took to convince her the wear the costume that evening.

M&Ms. Best parenting tool ever. 

 What a difference a year makes.  Halloween 2010- the night before Max was born. 

And Halloween 2011.  With a pumpkin one day shy of one year old. 

My dad has spent the past couple Halloweens with us and it's super fun.  He and Claire had a great time handing out candy.  She was mesmerized by the Halloween costumes and stared at the kids while sloooooowly putting candy in their bags.  One little boy said, "She sure takes her time!!!!".  I told her that the kids are going to start skipping our house because we slow them down! I totally get the must-maximize-candy-collection mentality.

With our neighbor friends.  Can't stand too close.

Rachel and I met in our childbirth and parenting class before our daughters were born and she has become a super dear friend.  We couldn't believe that this was the THIRD Halloween we celebrated together! It's so fun to see our girls grow up in these pictures. 




We called this Max's "angry French pumpkin" look.  He was so tired and went to bed at 6:45. 

 Yay, we're so happy you're here, little boys!

Claire called the trick-or-treaters "friends".  "Yay, my friends are here!" she'd exclaim every time they came to our door. The morning after Halloween she said, "I want my friends to come today and have candy".  It's hard for her to understand we have to wait another entire year to have this fun again!

1 comment:

The Lady said...

loved seeing the growth of your families! So cute to each have a boy and a girl. Love the french pumpkin too.