Thursday, March 29, 2012

Staycation, part uno

As I knew I would, I am very much enjoying my staycation.  I plan to take a week off like this a few times a year- in the spring, summer, and between Christmas and New Years.  I love having a good chunk of time with the kids.  Claire and Max are certainly enjoying it too.  Each night Claire asks, "Are you going to stay home with me tomorrow too?!?!".  Tuesday morning she said to me, "Mom, are you happy you're home with me?  I'm happy you're home. I love you so much". 

My staycation officially started last Friday.  We had a family lunch date at Noodles. 

My mom took Monday off and Cindy (my Godmother) and Jessica (her daughter, and practically my sister growing up) came over for lunch, along with Jessica's sweet kids, Rose and James.  

I think Claire is so stylish and adorable.  (taken on my cell phone :)).  

We've had lots of fun together.  We've belly laughed and giggled many times, each day.  I love how silly me, Claire and Max are together.  When my children grow up, I want them to say they grew up in a home that was joyful. Laughter does a body good. 

Claire got her hair  v cut Tuesday afternoon.  She wasn't too sure about it at first but quickly warmed  up. She said, "I want to still have long hair!".  

This is how Wednesday started out.  It was great before it was not.  Then it became the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day.  We made a trip to the Plymouth Target that morning (for like my millionth time this week....long story), where the kids were great.  Then we made a special stop at Panera for a breakfast treat, where they were less-than-ideal.  They both started falling asleep on the way home but I successfully kept them awake.  Once they had lunch and it was naptime, I realized that "The Operation" was in big trouble. 

It was Claire versus Mommy- a battle of the wits.  She cried for nearly three hours and never did take a nap.  To say I was angry is an understatement.  Several times I had to just walk away and collect myself.  Giving the paci back was never an option.  

I always want to follow through on my word and teach my children that no means no, but I'm continually learning that I have to only provide ultimatums for which I can indeed follow through.  I told Claire we'd play at the park with Katie and Parker and have a shake and french fries (hey, it's staycation and it's a budget friendly one, with a few splurges) if she took a nap.  The entire way to the park she said, "But why are we going to the park, honey? I didn't take a nap.  Why are we going then?".  Sigh. 

Enjoying a shake and fries with Parker at Culvers.  Max was uncharacteristically naughty and threw a tantrum, so we had to go outside to eat.  Two things I learned at Culvers on Wednesday.  1) A lot of old people like to eat dinner at 3:30PM at Culvers, and 2) said old people have no problem staring at you when your toddler is unhappy.  Regardless, it was so wonderful to spend time with Katie and Parker! 

Claire cried for quite awhile again at bedtime last night. I told Josh I couldn't take another minute of it and went to yoga with Rachel.  Chatting with Rachel and yoga-ing was exactly what this weary mommy needed! 

This morning I was thankful for this promise, on which my feet stand firm.

Because of the Lord's great love, we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
Lamentations 3:22-23

This morning we played and did some house organization before going to the mall.  I tried keeping Max awake on the way home but no dice. 

Thankfully, Claire took a good nap today.  She protested for awhile but nothing like yesterday.  Of course, Max was awake the entire time she slept so Mama didn't get a break, but I was so grateful that she slept (thank you Jesus!).

Max is ridiculously adorable in his spaceship jammies. Note he's holding a purse. 

Ticked that big sister took the purse. 

Phew. All is right in his world again. 

This afternoon we had a playdate at Sara's house with Lauren and Jake.  I was so happy that Allison came and brought her 12 day old daughter, Kennedy, for her first playdate!  Max loves babies- it's a good thing he has two cousins on the way.  

Baby Kennedy is so precious.  Just love her! 

Allison looks amazing for 12 days post-partum and she moves around like she didn't just give birth to an 8 1/2 pound baby. 

Kennedy fit right into the playdate scene.  Baby girl, this is what your future holds.  Take it all in. 

Whenever Max is on a playdate, he seeks out the play kitchen.  He LOVES playing with play kitchens.   Love my sweet boy. 

I am so enjoying my week off with them and will be terribly sad to return to work.  I hug and kiss them all day and tell them how happy I am to be with them (more on this soon, and how Claire and I have the same love language :)).  Max has some new words this week and it's fun to hear him come up with them.  Some of his new words this week include: Mass (Max), mouth, sticker, bite, Josh, apple (which he calls grapes, strawberries or apples).  

Tomorrow is my last day off before the weekend. We're going to the zoo in the morning with Ashley and Melissa and their children.  I could get used to this kind of life! 

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Goodbye paci, stories, pictures, and recipe

If you ask Claire what she wants for her third birthday, she'll tell you "an iPad!".  If you ask what color, she'll say purple or pink, depending on the day.  "If it's pink, it will match my toenails!"

We decided to go with a dollhouse.  More age appropriate and easier on the budget.  After much research, I chose a Kid Kraft dollhouse.  Yes, it's gigantic, but it'll grow with her, right? :)  (and there's a PERFECT spot for it in her bedroom). 

I am off work this entire week and I decided it was the perfect time to do Operation-No-Paci-During-Sleep.  I told her that we would give the pacis to the paci fairy and she would bring a present in return.  What do you think she wanted?  Yep, an iPad.  I had to laugh, because there should be quite a few years separation between using a pacifier and using an iPad.  

We decided to give her the dollhouse for her paci present, instead of her birthday, because she'll get lots of presents at her birthday.  Josh put it together Friday morning (family day off!) and she LOVES it. 

I had very, very low expectations for this Operation.  And my expectations were met.  The first time sleeping without the paci (naptime on Friday), Claire cried for 3 1/2 hours before Josh had mercy on her and rocked her to sleep.  That night she cried for over an hour before Josh rocked her again (the start of what could have been a terribly bad habit! "But she sounds so sad when she cries!", said Josh.  She's his little sweetheart). 

On Saturday she did not cry AT ALL during naptime (bedtime was a different story).  Today, she did not cry again at naptime, and I put her to bed for the night 15 minutes ago and have not heard a peep.  SUCCESS!  I am SO happy about this.  Last October I was overwhelmed at the amount of developmental milestones I wanted Claire to hit in the next six months- potty training, big girl bed, and no more pacifier.  Now, she has met all three milestones and did so wonderfully.  I am so proud of my big girl. 

And this boy!  He is so funny lately.  He's becoming more of a toddler every day.  Each day he has new words and enjoys trying them out, over and over.  Last Thursday, his new word was "dinner". We had a mommy/son date at Chipotle while Claire was in gymnastics with Daddy.  As we waited in the (long) line, he shouted "dinner! dinner!" over and over again, in his precious little 16 month-old voice.  I wanted to eat him up.  

He always lifts his hands in the air, palms up, when asking a question.  You often see him doing that, while saying, "Daddy doh?" (daddy go?) or "Mommy doh?" or "Paci doh?".  Today he learned the word "Jaden", which is our little neighbor girl.  He walked around outside with his hands up, saying "Jaden dooooh?  Jaden dooooooh?" 

I also heard Max say "Whyyyyy??" for the first time today.  I had my back turned for a minute and Claire and Max got into a scruffle.  "Max!  Don't take my hair clip out!!"  Claire screamed.  Max screamed.  Max ran away in despair.  He ran to me, burrowed his head into my shoulders, and then pulled away, raised his hands in the air, palms up, and with the saddest look on his face said, "Whhhyyyy?  Whyyyyyy?".  It might have been the cutest thing I have seen/heard him do to date.  

Today in the car, Claire asked me to play the song "You Never Let Go".  As you might remember, it's her favorite.  

As the first verse played.... 

Even though I walk through the valley
Of the shadow of death
Your perfect love is casting out fear

And even when I'm caught in the middle
Of the storms of this life
I won't turn back, I know You are near

.... Max started singing the chorus.  He enthusiastically said, "OH NO!  OH NO!  OH NO!".  I was shocked.  I did not know that he recognized this song!  I shouldn't be so surprised- he's always proving to me how smart he really is!

Oh no, You never let go
Through the calm and through the storm
Oh no, You never let go
In every high and every low
Oh no, You never let go
Lord, You never let go of me

On Saturday, the Fords came over for dinner and playing. We had fondue, of course.  It's so fun to see our three children together.  Oh, how we love the Fords..

Claire has her own sense of style. Yesterday she insisted on wearing all of these clips.  She would not be convinced otherwise.  She got several compliments at Target, which probably will reinforce the behavior (unfortunately?).

Below she is doing a "project"- her favorite pastime.    Today Josh realized once again that he has two women in the house to nag remind him of his honey-do list.  We bought a ceiling fan nearly a year ago and he has yet to install it in Claire's room.  She decided she'd had enough, so she reminded him, over and over again today.  This evening she said, "Josh!  I asked you THREE TIMES today to put in my fan!".  Poor Josh.. 

I am obsessed with Pinterest for recipes.  I would be so sad if Pinterest somehow vanished because I have so many recipes saved on there, and no where else.  I really should invest a couple hours in printing them off so I have a back-up.   Tonight I made crockpot French Dip sandwiches, for my second time.  With HD Beef Works beef, naturally (literally).  Here's the recipe. 

Here is Josh's, with provolone cheese. 

And here is mine.  Sans cheese, and with onions.  Num.   (And not too shabby pictures, aye?  I am digging my new lens).  

I am SO excited to have this entire week off, with my children!  We have tons of fun things planned. Blessings on your week! 

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Friday night pizza and beer

Last night we had some family come over for pizza, beer, and make-your-own-sundaes.  I'm sure all Minnesotans agree with this and may be tired of talking about it, but it was seriously crazy to be eating, playing, and talking outside in short-sleeves in mid-March, in Minnesota. 

She's a spunky one. 

It was a good time of day to practice my photography.  I like this one of Sean and Josh. 

Three amazing grandparents! 

Max went from person to person, begging them to share their ice cream. 

Speaking of Max, this kid blows us away.  This morning he was playing nearby me and I sneezed.  He looked up at me and said, "Bess you".  He can say many family member's names including Omi, Papa, Paco (one of his favorites to say), Heather (he says it better than Claire even!), and of course, Brody.  When Brody isn't around, Max walks around with his hands face up saying, "Brody? Brody?".  Today I was saying to him, "Max, say Hea-ther".  He said, "No, bye bye", presumably because Heather was here last night and went bye-bye? 

This morning we met our dear friends Rachel and Kiera at a park to play.  Well that is after we talked and realized that we weren't both late, we were just at different parks.  After lunch at Chipotle and naps for Mommy, Max, and Claire, we played outside all afternoon and enjoyed a visit from Uncle Chris and Aunt Becky.  The kids are going to sleep well tonight!

Two thumbs up, Minnesota. Two thumbs up.  

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

After work photo shoot

I wrote recently about a photography workshop that  my sister-in-law, Bethanie, and I took in February.  It was GREAT but we needed a new lens to really practice what we learned.  The lenses were on backorder but finally came in last night!  As soon as I came home from work today, I grabbed the kids and started practicing with my new lens outside.  These pictures were shot on manual mode- it was fun!  I have a lot of learning to do, but the best way is through practice, practice, practice!  I'll always be an amateur photographer, at best, but I'm excited to learn how to capture my children as they grow.  

Here are some of my favorites from our first little photo shoot tonight.  For some reason, they appear more grainy when I upload them to blogger than they do on my computer. But you get the idea.  

p.s. the reason I was able to take pictures when I got home, instead of making dinner, is because I made tonight's dinner last Friday during my first ever freezer cooking day. More to come on that soon!

p.p.s. I can't believe this photoshoot, in just long sleeve t-shirts, happened at 5:30PM on March 13th!  In Minnesota!  Seriously!

This is my favorite one from the batch.