Saturday, March 3, 2012

Claire's little brother + photography workshop + a moment of grace

Poor Claire.  This is the story of her life.  She gets all excited to do a "project" with her "paper dolls".  We finally locate the paper dolls after a call to Omi.  She gets them all set out, and what do you know? Little brother wants to play too.  "No, Max!"  "No! You can't have these!" "No! Don't touch my paper dolls!"  Look at her look of disgust.  It's so hard to be an almost-three-year-old and share your toys with your 16-month-old brother. But she does a pretty good job of it. 

A few weeks ago, my SIL, Bethanie, and I took a photography workshop.  After three years of owning a DSLR, I finally have hope of moving beyond the "auto" mode!  These three pictures were taken in manual mode!  I adjusted the aperture, shutter speed, and ISO.  I am so glad I took Heather Barta's class!  The pictures will look much better once I have the new 50mm 1.8F AF-S (and I kind of know what all of that even means now!) lens.  Hopefully Nikon will be in stock soon.  But in the meantime, it's fun to practice on manual.  

I can't get enough of this little boy. 

I don't know how I would parent without God by my side.  Last night was a rough night. I was exhausted by the time I went to bed at 11:15PM.  First Max was up (and then quickly back down) and then Claire woke up at 1:30AM (and I hadn't fallen asleep yet).  First she needed "medicine" for her "owwies" (which were invisible owwies on both her thumbs).  Then she wanted the bathroom light on.  Then she wanted MORE medicine.  Then she wanted to sleep in our bed.  Then she wanted a time-out WITH the light on. So what did she get?  Two time-outs, with the light OFF.  It infuriated her.  She screamed so loud that she woke her poor sleeping brother up.  She wouldn't stay in her bed and was bordering on out of control.  I was beyond frustrated, didn't know what to do, and just wanted to sleep.  So I rocked her flailing body in her rocking chair and started praying.  I prayed for her heart to calm, for her body to rest, I prayed for patience for me, and for good sleep for all of us.  

As soon as my praying stopped, Claire's body finally stopped moving.  Her crying ceased. She quietly said, "Mom, I'm gonna go night-night and you can sing me 'Three Blind Mice'".  She walked over and climbed into her bed.  I laid her blankets on her and left the room (without singing).  She quietly went to sleep and we didn't hear another sound until she woke at 6:45 this morning (which is actually quite late for her).  

I have no doubt that Jesus met me in that moment.  He gave me grace and mercy. 

1 comment:

Janeal said...

Love Claire's expression!