Saturday, March 17, 2012

Friday night pizza and beer

Last night we had some family come over for pizza, beer, and make-your-own-sundaes.  I'm sure all Minnesotans agree with this and may be tired of talking about it, but it was seriously crazy to be eating, playing, and talking outside in short-sleeves in mid-March, in Minnesota. 

She's a spunky one. 

It was a good time of day to practice my photography.  I like this one of Sean and Josh. 

Three amazing grandparents! 

Max went from person to person, begging them to share their ice cream. 

Speaking of Max, this kid blows us away.  This morning he was playing nearby me and I sneezed.  He looked up at me and said, "Bess you".  He can say many family member's names including Omi, Papa, Paco (one of his favorites to say), Heather (he says it better than Claire even!), and of course, Brody.  When Brody isn't around, Max walks around with his hands face up saying, "Brody? Brody?".  Today I was saying to him, "Max, say Hea-ther".  He said, "No, bye bye", presumably because Heather was here last night and went bye-bye? 

This morning we met our dear friends Rachel and Kiera at a park to play.  Well that is after we talked and realized that we weren't both late, we were just at different parks.  After lunch at Chipotle and naps for Mommy, Max, and Claire, we played outside all afternoon and enjoyed a visit from Uncle Chris and Aunt Becky.  The kids are going to sleep well tonight!

Two thumbs up, Minnesota. Two thumbs up.  

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