Tuesday, March 13, 2012

After work photo shoot

I wrote recently about a photography workshop that  my sister-in-law, Bethanie, and I took in February.  It was GREAT but we needed a new lens to really practice what we learned.  The lenses were on backorder but finally came in last night!  As soon as I came home from work today, I grabbed the kids and started practicing with my new lens outside.  These pictures were shot on manual mode- it was fun!  I have a lot of learning to do, but the best way is through practice, practice, practice!  I'll always be an amateur photographer, at best, but I'm excited to learn how to capture my children as they grow.  

Here are some of my favorites from our first little photo shoot tonight.  For some reason, they appear more grainy when I upload them to blogger than they do on my computer. But you get the idea.  

p.s. the reason I was able to take pictures when I got home, instead of making dinner, is because I made tonight's dinner last Friday during my first ever freezer cooking day. More to come on that soon!

p.p.s. I can't believe this photoshoot, in just long sleeve t-shirts, happened at 5:30PM on March 13th!  In Minnesota!  Seriously!

This is my favorite one from the batch. 


Becky said...

Cute pics! I especially love little Max's shirt :) If she offers another workshop, let me know - I might be interested in going to one.

Annie Docken said...

Max looks so wise in that photo, already!

April said...

GORGEOUS! Great job, Whitney! Related: Kasen lost his green bug-eyed boot on his way up the ladder today too! ;)