Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Eyebrow waxing

Wha?! Posts two days in a row?! Impossible. It's true, friends. I am sitting in my Executive King Suite (can you say excessive??) in Indianapolis. I flew here today from Minneapolis, by way of Atlanta (which is also peculiar). After a scrumptious dinner at Chipotle (Target pays for about $35 a day in meals and I spend $6.10 at Chipotle...doing everything I can to help out my 401k!), I am here safe and sound in my hotel. Claire did well on the trip. She kicked nearly the entire time. This is my 4th or 5th time in Indianapolis since she came into being. She's a jet setter already.

I have received many "strange", or maybe not so strange, comments throughout this pregnancy. Some of my favorites include:
  • Is it just one?
  • Is it twins? (this is particulary strange coming from people that do not know we had an elevated chance of multiples because of fertility treatments. Twins are so much less common than people who ask this question seem to think!)
  • Were you trying?
  • Are you happy/excited about it?
  • Wow, April is such a great time of year! Nice planning!

Sometimes the comments irritate me but I mostly try to shrug them off. The last one though can get to me. I know some teachers are lucky enough to plan their pregnancy so perfectly that they give birth in May and have the entire summer off to enjoy with their newborn. Us..not so much. Going off birth control in October 2006 means that we did not deliberately pick April 2009 as the month for our child to be born.

Yesterday I was getting a much needed brow wax at Juut. It was my first time seeing this particular esthetician. My regular girl wasn't working and I just needed to get in that day. Here's how our conversation went:

Her: "You have the cutest baby bump!"
Me: "Thanks!"
Her: "Is this your first?"
Me: "Yes" (I hate this question. I want to say, "No! We had another precious baby before this that is waiting for us in Heaven" but I shamefully almost always respond with "Yes".)
Her: "When are you due?"
Me: "April 27th"
Her: "That is PERFECT! Nice planning!"
Me: "Well...it wasn't planned that way. This was two years in the making".
Her: "It took my husband and I two years with our first too. Were you on fertility treatments?"

Here ensued our refreshingly candid conversation about clomid and IUIs and the crazy side effects that come from the drugs. 1 in 6 couples suffer with infertility. You never know where you are going to meet them. But when you do, it's almost like finding an old friend that you can instantly relate to.

Well, I am here until Thursday night. I will spend the next couple days in a cold warehouse on my feet! Such a trooper, am I.

God bless!

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