Thursday, January 28, 2010

Claire at 9 months

She's been OUT as long as she was IN!!! Her little life began 18 months ago!! I can't believe we need to soon start thinking about her first birthday party!

Claire at 9 months:
  • Is totally a little person. Her temperament is really making itself known. She is a very sensitive little girl. It even seems like her feelings can get hurt. At her 9 month doctor appointment today I asked her baby doctor if it's possble for her feelings to get hurt. Dr. Hansen said, "you know, in all my years of doing this, I have never been asked that question". GREAT. I'm one of the least paranoid moms and yet I ask a question that my very experienced doctor has never heard! She said it's unlikely her feelings could have been hurt, in the sense that she felt she was 'bullied'. However, she could be really sensitive to noises, reactions, separation, etc.
  • can do "SO BIG"! It's so adorable! She won't always do it on command, which makes it that much more exciting when she does it! You say, "Claire, how big are you???" and she smiles and puts her arms in the air.
  • Waves hi
  • Can pick up her food with her thumb and forefinger (the 'pincher' hold, they call it).
  • Is not so great at eating solid foods, other than purees. I tried giving her scrambled eggs a couple weekends ago and I thought she was swallowing it just fine. Little did I know she was actually storing the eggs in her mouth and masking them behind her mammoth cheeks! She finally couldn't store anymore and started gagging on it so I reached my hand into her mouth and frantically pulled them out.
  • LOVES to snack. She could eat her puffs and yogurt melts all day long.
  • weighs 15 lbs 1 oz (3rd percentile) and is 26 inches long (1oth percentile). Her head is 17 inches (25% percentile).
  • Wears many different sizes, based on the brand. She wears Circo 3-6 month onesies, Gap and Gymboree 6-12 month clothing, Carter's 9 month sleepers (which are really too long, but the 6 month were too short).
  • Is a good eater. She has tried lots of different, homemade food, and has only shown an aversion to a couple. Here is what she has had, with the rating of how much I think she likes them (from 1-10, 1 being "ugh! Mom! This is like you eating CHEESE!" and 10 being "Mom, this is like how much you love brownies and ice cream!"):

Applesauce: 7
Pears: 8
Bananas: 6
Apples with Strawberries: 7
Apricots: 6
Blueberries: 6
Sweet Potatoes: 9
Squash: 9
Carrots: 8
Peas: 7
Corn: 4
Broccoli: 3
Chicken with veggies: 2
Beef with veggies: 3
Cheese with veggies: 5
Yogurt: 10!!!!!
Peaches: 7
Ice cream (just a tiny bit): 10!!!!

  • She definitely has her mama's and grandma's and great-grandpa Rudy's sweet tooth. Poor thing never had a chance. Tonight I was eating ice cream and she was literally attacking me. She was trying to climb up me (I was sitting on the floor) and grunting and slightly shaking. Her doctor said we need to try to teach her how to eat different textures so that's our new challenge. We'll see in her next monthly status how succcessful we have been!
  • Continues to take a good 3 naps a day. Naps are finally a routine and not a struggle! It makes SUCH a big difference when she sleeps well (at night and during the day) and we don't have to fight her on it. Our weekends are that much more enjoyable without this struggle! She's pretty good at being laid down drowsy but awake and falling asleep on her own. She still typically gets up 1 time per night. Sometimes it's twice and sometimes she actually sleeps through the night. Starting last weekend, we are trying to not feed her during the night. She's plenty old enough to not need a night feeding. Since she does get nursed at night, she has become accustomed to it and loves her time at 2AM snuggling with mommy. I must admit I like it myself but I certainly wouldn't complain about getting a full night's sleep! So far the night feeding boycott is going well. I have only backed down one night since we started last Friday. She still wakes up but she can either fuss herself back to sleep or one of us goes in there, changes her diaper (she hates having a wet diaper, which doesn't bode well for any of us overnight!), and lays her back down. It's so nice that without feeding her at night, Josh can get up by himself and I can stay in bed!
  • Still nurses 3 times per day during the week and about 6-7 times per day on the weekend. During the week, she usually also has 2 bottles of breastmilk and 1 bottle of formula. She eats solids 3 times per day (usually 3-4 ice cubes of food).
  • I asked Josh what else I should document about her personality and he responded, "She's stubborn". She IS stubborn! Bless her heart. She's quite strong-willed! She's also "tricky". Last night I added the bumper to her crib because she often wedges herself against the side and I thought it would be more comfy to lay against a nice cushion than a hard wooden bar. I wanted to test it out so I put her in the crib (and she looked at me with very questioning eyes demanding why I put her in there when it was not nap or bedtime!). I saw the possibility of using the bumper to 'climb' up the side of the crib and catapault herself out. So we lowered it to the very bottom! She looks so tiny with the crib all the way lowered. But now we can rest assured that she won't pull any crazy stunts!
  • Still loves her paci. We're limiting the use. She gets it at night, during some naps, and sometimes in her carseat. Once we have the night-time feedings completely eliminated, we're tackle taking away the paci.
  • Has two teeth! The bottom two. I think her top two will arrive in the next month.
  • Climbs the stairs quite quickly.
  • Turns the pages when we read her books, in the correct direction.

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