Thursday, January 14, 2010

How to Lose Weight After A Baby

Several people have told me that I should write a book on how to lose weight after you have a baby. I chuckle and say thank you and shrug. I don't want to come across as the annoying little brat that ate everything she wanted and didn't work out and lost all the baby fat, because, well, that was a possibility.

I gained 23 pounds with Claire. I have lost 32 since she was born.

If I wrote the book, there would be four chapters:

Chapter 1: Be blessed with a ridiculously good metabolism. A metabolism that hasn't slowed down despiste being 28 years old.

Chapter 2: Walk. Especially around malls.

Chapter 3: Eat whatever you want, including dessert at least once per day.

Chapter 4: Breastfeed. I think this is really what has done it for me, although the steps in chapters 1-3 certainly contributed. If for no other reason, I think all new moms should attempt to breastfeed simply for the phenomenal amount of calories it burns!

So there's my book.

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