I can’t help but smile today.
I have been trying to teach Claire how to say “mama” for quite some time. She says “mamamamamama” all the time but not in reference to me—she’s just babbling. She says, “bababababa” a lot too. This morning she woke up at 5:45 (as usual) and when I changed her diaper I found she was soaked with pee. So I had to remove her pajamas, totally wipe her down, and put a new diaper in pajamas on. At this point she was totally awake and not interested in sleeping again (I tried putting her down after feeding her but she just cried). So I got her up and brought her into the bathroom with me while I got ready. Josh was already on his way to work so I had to give her toys in the bathroom to occupy her while I quickly showered. During my shower she sat on the rug in front of the shower and wailed the whole time. She also didn’t want me to put her down while I put my makeup on so I tried putting her back to sleep at 6:30. She was rubbing her eyes and it was clear she was still quite tired. She cried while I blow dried my hair but I was hoping she’d settle herself down. A few minutes later I went back into her room because I didn’t think she’d get herself to sleep. She was standing in her crib, in the corner, near the door. As soon as I stepped into her room, she looked at me, stopped crying, lifted her arms in the air for me to pick her up, and said, “mama!”.
Now it was MY turn to cry! It so touched my heart and is a moment I’ll never forget! Seeing how smart she is, she’ll probably start using this to her advantage! How do I not go get her when she calls out for me with “mama”!
annie kate
6 years ago
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