Monday, March 22, 2010

Thoughts on Religion, Part 2

Last Friday I was statusing with one of my direct reports and she was telling me about her 30th birthday party that night. She said (this is almost a direct quote):

"We were going to have fish sticks at the party since it's on a Friday. But then my dad realized that today is Saint Joseph's day and Saint Joseph is his Patron Saint. If your Patron Saint day falls on a Friday during Lent, you can eat meat and everyone around you can eat meat too. So since he will be at my party, we can all eat meat. So we're having T-Bones!!!!!"


As you can imagine, I had to bite my tongue!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A new Catholic loophole! I only knew the St. Patrick's day deal (if St. Pat's is on a Friday during lent you can drink and have meat).