Thursday, March 4, 2010

10 Months

Claire is 10 months old! She turned 10 months a week ago so I'm a little late in writing this post. I can't believe how close she is to ONE year old! I am exciting thinking about her birthday party! Part of me is sad that she's growing up so quickly but another part of me is so excited for her to reach new milestones- like walking, saying "mama" in reference to me, playing in the grass outside.

Last week was quite the week. On Tuesday morning I called the on-call RN at her Pediatrician office and asked if I should bring her in because she hadn't had a wet diaper in 48 hours and had refused food and drinks for about 3 days. The nurse said, "Yes, but take her to the hospital". Fortunately she's doing better now, except for the fact that she's had diarrhea for the past 16 days straight.... But on to less smelly subjects....

Claire at 10 months:

  • Weighs 15 lbs 2 oz. At 9 months she weighed just an ounce less so she must have lost weight when she wouldn't eat or drink. She is perfect as she is but it would hurt for her to pack a pound or two on!
  • Prefers to eat bananas, yogurt and cheese slices. She's becoming pickier by the day- ugh! We still try new things and continue trying foods she hasn't liked because I read it can take 9-11 times of trying something before a baby starts to like it. When I shove something other than the aforementioned foods in her mouth, she looks at my with disgust and spits it out. Today I tried feeding her mashed up carrots, potatoes, cheese and brocolli. She usually likes the first three of those foods independently so I thought she might eat it when they are cooked together. Nope! She actually started pouting and then broke into a full-out sob like I was being the meanest mom in the world to her!
  • Smacks her lips and copies you when you do it- it's so cute!
  • Sleeps through the night from about 7:30PM until 7:00AM. I do wake her up to eat in the morning before work. On the weekends she gets up at the same time (5:30ish) to get and then goes back to sleep for awhile. She naps two-three times per day. The morning nap is usually the best. This morning it was 1 hr 45 min long!
  • Babbles more and more. The word she says most right now is "bababababab". She also says "mamamamama" but I don't think it's in reference to me quite yet- soon, I hope!
  • Loves to empty everything and anything. This includes kitchen cabinets, bathroom cabinets, diaper bag, carseat, mom's purse, toy chest, etc. It's cute to watch.
  • Wears mostly size 9 clothing, depending on the brand. We're getting great use out of her clothes! We are so, so blessed to have a ton of hand me downs from my friend Kathy. She has two daughters that are ages 4 and almost 3 and she gave me 4 huge tubs full of clothes last summer! I am so grateful. Almost everyday Claire is wearing something from the Coutts girls!
  • Pushes your hand or arm away if you're doing something she doesn't want you to do. If she's trying to get into Sydney's dog dish and you grab her hip to stop her, she reaches down and shoves your hand off of her. She does it ALL the time! She knows what she wants! That's my girl. :)
  • Is pretty social. She gets weary of strangers and even of people she knows well but for the most part, she's good with people, especially considering her age. Last Friday I was at my friend Rachael's house and she interacted with Rachael really well, even though she has only seen her a handful of times.
  • Doesn't enjoy getting her diaper changed or getting dressed. It's a struggle almost every time- especially getting dressed. This is normal for her age. Or as her Peditrician would say, "normal, normal, normal!"
  • Has definite preferences, which is so fun to see unfold. I got her a little bucket of blocks that are different shapes and fit into holes on the top of the bucket. You know what I'm talking about, right? I think almost everyone had a variation of this toy. There are blue circles, red triangles, orange stars, green squares, and purple plus signs. Her favorite is by far the blue circles. When they're all around her, she always picks up the blue circles.
  • Gives kisses, albeit sparingly! We all cherish the kisses she does hand out to us!
  • Loves when you chase her, especially if she's climbing the stairs. She gets all excited and tries to go as fast as she can, so she gets a little clumsy and starts giggling up a storm. It just warms my heart thinking about it!

Well there's the update for little Miss 10 month old Claire. On one hand it feels like this year has gone by ridiculously fast and on the other hand, it's hard to remember the time before our precious daughter was in our life. How can something so small be your entire world?

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