Saturday, September 18, 2010

8 Months Pregnant!

Here I am, 8 months pregnant with just 8 weeks to go.  I had my 32 week appt yesterday.  At my 26 week ultrasound baby boy was breech.  I wasn't concerned because I knew there was a lot of time to flip but I was still relieved yesterday to hear that he's head down.  She said that with him being headdown at this point, there's only a 5% chance he'll flip back.  As weird as this may sound, I'm really looking forward to giving birth again!  I can only hope and pray it goes as well as it did with Claire.

I'm up 25 pounds I think.  Blood pressure is great at 102/60.  I'm feeling lots of movement but it isn't painful yet... I think he is less active than Claire was.  I'm still really comfortable at night (relatively speaking), which is a blessing!  I am so thankful to not have sciatica this time!  But I have had bouts of insomnia.  It takes me a very long time to fall asleep, I wake up often during the night, and I am generally awake long before my alarm goes off.  This morning Claire slept until 7:10AM which was awesome but I was awake since 5:45.  I just laid in bed and thought about work because I didn't want to get up and make noise and wake her up.

My back has been hurting me so I am very much looking forward to my (one and only) prenatal massage on the 29th.  I am also experiencing nausea, which I didn't have in the 3rd tri last time.  I've heard that it comes back towards the end for some women and it looks like I am one of the lucky ones!

Overall, I feel very fortunate to have had a very smooth pregnancy and feel as good as I do.  We're cherishing our last 8 weeks with undivided attention for our first born and as a family of three.  Currently it's 10AM.  Claire is napping at the moment and Josh is mowing the lawn.  I have dinner in the crockpot.  Once Claire is awake, we're going to head out for a day of fall family fun.  Life is good! 

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