Monday, September 13, 2010

Claire's First Gymnastics Class

And it has begun!  Activities!  Claire had her first gymnastics class tonight at The Little Gym.  Just Josh was going to take her but my work meeting was done early so we were both able to enjoy the time with her!  It was so great.  I think Josh and I both had a smile plastered on our face the entire time.

She was timid at first.  Josh said she gets that from him-- "Just like me, she lets everybody else have their turn first and watches them, and then she goes".   We started with singing a song and ringing bells.  She sat on my lap the entire song (like she was supposed to) while most of the other 4 kids (Cooper, Arabell- who is the daughter of Jody, from my mom's group, Koda and Jillian) ran around the gym and explored.

Then we played on this floaty thingie that is in all of the pictures below.  The kids could run around and jump off.  She was warming up by this point.

Afterwards the kids just explored- they could try different mats, balance beam, equipment, etc.  She had a blast climbing on everything.

Miss Laura, the instructor, tried somersaults with each of them.  Claire had no clue at first, but by the end of the class (after maybe 8-10 or so somersaults), she had already made improvement!  She was putting her hands on the ground and tucking her head.  What a smart girl!

She got to hang from the bar and had no idea how to do that, until she watched Mama hold onto it, and then could do it herself.  From a developmental standpoint, it was great for her to be around other kids her age.

There was all kinds of fun things we did in the 45 minute class.  I didn't realize how physical it would be for me.  It's good Josh was there because I wouldn't have been able to do everything with her myself at 8 months pregnant.  I think he'll need to come every week (we'll both go) at least until after my recovery from giving birth.  Judging by the smile on his face, something tells me he won't mind!!

1 comment:

Annie Docken said...

Oh how awesome! What a lucky little girl. She will learn quickly, I'm sure!