I had a great 36 week appt on Thursday. Well, great, except for the fact that I had to wait over an hour to have a 7 minute appt with my doctor. Thank goodness for the New York Times app on my iPhone.
It started with a growth ultrasound to measure the baby's size, since Claire was so small at birth. Not this fella! He's measuring 6 lbs 2 oz. His abdomen is measuring right on track but his head is measuring two weeks larger, so that should make for an interesting delivery. He's in the 60th percentile, which is exactly where he was at my 26 week ultrasound. He has quite a bit of hair- you could actually see it moving in the ultrasound. He also has the cutest chubby cheeks! It was so fun to see him in the 4D images. From the 4D images, I think his profile, with his chin, chubby cheeks, and nose looks just like Claire when she was a baby. She asked if my husband was short because the baby has short legs. Let's see...short legs...huge head... this may be a baby only a mother could love! :)
We found during my exam that I am already 2 cm dilated and 60% effaced. At 38 weeks with Claire, I was just 1 cm dilated. Dr Shibley said (this is a direct quote), "there is no way you're making it to your due date". That's notable because doctors typically take a conservative approach when advising when the baby might come. With Claire they reminded me that 50% of women go past their due date. The baby is also very low already, which makes sense for how I'm feeling! Dr Shibley also said he thinks I'll have a very quick (relatively speaking) delivery. He asked how far I live and work from the hospital. While our house is only 3 miles from the hospital, I work an hour away, so he said I'll have to consider delivering at Southdale instead if I go into labor at work.
We don't exactly feel ready for our precious baby to come but he's coming sooner than later! I'm going to start working on packing my bag this weekend! (p.s. my 'guess' for his arrival is November 2nd). Want to place any guesses????
annie kate
6 years ago
I'll place my prediction for 11/7!
Grandma Annie
I'll place my prediction for 11/5!
Papa Jeff
I placing my bets for October 28.
Halloween, of course!
I'm going to guess 11/1! 11/1/10 is a cool date :)
I'll throw in 11/4!
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