Sunday, December 5, 2010

He is enough.

In this Thanksgiving and Advent season, it's natural to reflect upon our blessings.  The past two years have been particularly enlightening when considering our blessings, with Claire's first Thanksgiving being last year, and having a brand new, healthy and beautiful baby boy this year.  I look at these beautiful blessings and I can't help but be overwhlemed by the graciousness of God. 

I have so many other reasons to be thankful-- for our stable jobs, for our home, our friends and family, our health, and the list goes on.

But how much do I enjoy God Himself apart from His blessings?

When it's all stripped away, is He enough?  Through Christ I have eternal salvation, which is the ultimate blessing and more than I could ever ask for.  I am being challenged to be satisfied and passionately in love with Jesus, not because of what He has blessed me with, but because of who He is. 

He is enough.  He's all I need. 

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