Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Tea Parties

This morning Claire, Max, Monkey (MON-keeee) and I had a very pleasant tea party, as you can see from the pictures below.   I told Max this is just the beginning of Claire telling him what they're going to play (and exactly how to do it, I'm sure!).  Being the oldest cousin, I'm sure she'll have Max and Brody wrapped around her finger.  I wouldn't be surprised to see Max and Brody in high heels and dress up clothes in the next couple of years!  

 Big hugs for baby brother!

 See the monkey, Max?  See?? See??? 

 And just because he's so darn cute!

1 comment:

Annie Docken said...

Do you have any idea how stinkin' cute these pics are? Someday these two are gonna be so happy you took these pics of them together!