Thursday, December 2, 2010

The peanut and the porker

We finally went to the doctor last night. It was our first time having to go during after hours, so I think we've been pretty lucky!  It was day 6 of Claire's nasty cold and I just felt like she needed to be checked out. I also wanted Max examined because he's been sick and he's just so young to have a cold. 

We learned that Claire has a double ear infection.  The ear infections were caused by the cold. She's had a very runny nose and it drained back towards her ears and caused the infections.  Max has been coughing, sneezing and very congested. They did xrays on him to rule out pneumonia since he's so young.  Holding him in position for the xrays was the saddest little sight! I had to place him in a seating position and hold his arms way above his head so he would sit and press his tummy against the cold xray machine.  He doesn't have pneumonia, thank the Lord. 

And he weighs.... drum roll...... 9 lbs 6 oz!!!  Wow!  He was 7 lbs 4 oz at his two week check-up so he gained almost 2 pounds in just 2 weeks!  Looks like I have a peanut and a porker on my hands. :)

Lets pray that the antibiotic makes Claire feel better and her cold gets better real soon. And let's pray that Max's cold goes away too!  Mama needs to keep her sanity!  But all in all, I think Max, Claire and I are managing well on our own.  If we're doing this well during the bout of sickness, think how good life will be once we're all healthy! 

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