Saturday, December 11, 2010

Sweet baby Jesus

Having a newborn baby boy myself, I can't help but think of Mary, sweet mama to baby Jesus, during this Christmas season.  I want Max to be safe, to be warm, I want to just love on him all day and night (okay, maybe not allll night; I don't mind getting some sleep). I want for him to not have a worry in the world.  Or any pain or owwies (although he gets an occasional owwie curteosy of big sister).

He's so helpless.  So utterly dependent on us for his every need.

Can you believe that our Savior came to us as flesh?  As a tiny, precious baby?

I love Mercy Me's Christmas CD.  This year, their song "Joseph's Lullaby" has brand new meaning to me.  I wonder what Mary was thinking as she held her precious baby.  Did she want to protect him from bearing the burden of saving the world?  Did she want him to just be able to be a sweet baby, without a worry or expectation upon him? 

Go to sleep my Son

This manger for your bed

You have a long road before You

Rest Your little head

Can You feel the weight of Your glory?

Do You understand the price?

Or does the Father guard Your heart for now

So You can sleep tonight?

Go to sleep my Son

Go and chase Your dreams

This world can wait for one more moment

Go and sleep in peace

I believe the glory of Heaven

Is lying in my arms tonight

But Lord, I ask that He for just this moment

Simply be my child

Go to sleep my Son

Baby, close Your eyes

Soon enough You'll save the day

But for now, dear Child of mine

Oh my Jesus, Sleep tight

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