Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas Memories

We had another wonderful Christmas this year.  I loved being on maternity leave during December.  I think that, coupled with our huge snowstorms, really put me in the Christmas spirit!  Christmas with little babies is so fun, and I think it's only going to get better!  Although we learned this year that with little ones that nap during the day and go to bed early, we simply cannot be gone all day long.  They need to get their nap in and get to bed at a decent time.  I think next year we will simplify and spend Christmas Eve with one family and Christmas Day with the other (with Christmas day morning saved just for the four of us).  

Here are a couple of my favorite memories from this Christmas. 

 I loved the Christmas Eve service at Hosanna.  For the second year, they had a live stable with camels, donkeys, a cow, ducks, sheep, and a goat.  In a building with over 2,000 people, we were in the 2nd row, in the very center. It felt like we were in the stable with the animal noises and smells.  During worship, I was standing and swaying while Max slept peacefully in my arms.  The thousands of voices were beautifully singing "Away in a Manger".  It was a precious moment for me.  It struck me, in a brand new way, that Jesus was born a baby; born to die; born as an offering.  I've said it before, but having a newborn baby boy at Christmas has been a unique experience for me, and one I'm so grateful for!

Christmas morning was a special time for our family.  My babies were in their Christmas jammies.  I made blueberry coffee cake for breakfast.  Josh put together Claire's play kitchen while she looked on adoringly.  We were in no rush to go somewhere.  It was a calm that we needed in the midst of a hectic couple of days.

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