Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Introducing my Blog Roll!

Check out the new feature on my blog... it's a list of my favorite blogs! 

Here's a little intro on each of the blogs:

  • The Macs:  I don't actually know Jess but thoroughly enjoy reading her blog.  It is inspiring, convicting, encouraging.  Her baby girl, Cora Paige, would have turned 3 years old last week had she not died from cancer when she was 11 months old.  Jess radiates the love of Jesus. 
  • Modern Chemistry: This is the blog of my dear childhood friend Amy Hanson (now Van Zee).  She is super crafty and awesome at taking pictures!  Her goal this year is to take a picture (almost) daily of the small things around us that make life beautiful.
  • The Laack's: My dear friend Angela writes this blog.  She lives in Iowa and with a busy life full of work, a husband and two little ones, I don't get to see her nearly as often as I'd like, so reading her blog helps me keep up with her wonderful life!
  • Our Journey of Love: I don't have the pleasure of knowing Adrienne "in real life" but I feel like I've gotten to know her well through her blog.  After suffering through infertility and 7 (!!!) miscarriages, she has three adopted children (Russia, Korea, and domestic) and one baby boy who was born on my and Josh's anniversary at 26 weeks.  She, too, is a strong woman of faith and I am blessed by following her story.
  • Girl with Blog: This is written by my high school friend, Anna.  Anna and I were in colorguard together and were roommates at Band Camp. :)  I like her sweet, unassuming writing. 
  • Bring The Rain:  Angie is another "stranger" that I feel like I know.  She is the wife of Todd Smith, who is in the Christian group Selah.  She has five daughters, one of whom she lost minutes after birth.  She is just an amazingly beautiful writer and I am truly captivated by each post.  I have grown closer to Jesus by reading her blog. She is coming to Mpls to speak in October and I would so love to go!
  • Omi Annie: This is by Annie, aka mom-in-law, aka daycare provider, aka super grandma!!   We are SO blessed to have her love on our babies while we're at work.  The blog always contains adorable pictures of Claire, Max and my nephew Brody.
  • Heart Cries: Another stranger.  Rebekah adopted a baby boy after suffering through infertility. She, too, is a beautiful writer and a woman who passionately loves her Savior.  I am always moved by her blog. 
  • Mieska: This blog is authored by my Aunt-in-Law Sue and it contains stories, pictures, and updates of the extended Mieska clan.
  • The Life of the Marty Party: Written by Bethany Marty, super mom of 3 (almost 4!) kiddos.  Her husband, Quenton, was my neighbor growing up and a member of my adopted family.  It's fun to keep up with their life!  I am inspired by Q and B's marriage and could only hope that Josh and I are that in love ten years from now!
  • Rach and Josh:  Rachel needs to update her blog more often (smile) but I always enjoy it when she does write a post!  She's the Mama of Claire's BFF Kiera.  I am so excited for her to add to her family late this summer!
So there you have it, folks.  Enjoy!! 


Annie Docken said...

:), can you share their addresses?

The Rings said...

I love to see what others are reading...thanks for posting! I'll get to posting something on our page soon, I seem to go in spurts :-)