Thursday, March 3, 2011

Max at 4 Months

We love you little boy!

At 4 months, Max:

  • Weighs 15 pounds (50%), is 23 1/2 inches long (5-10%) and his head is in the 75th percentile. "All over the board", as his Pedi said.  Still short and chubby!  Love those delicious baby rolls!
  • Coos all the time, and very loudly! It's the sweetest sound. 
  • Adores his big sister.  Even with Max being only 4 months old, I am already loving the interaction and relationship between Claire and Max.  They smile and talk/coo and laugh at each other.  Max enjoys watching Brody and Claire play all day. 
  • Has rolled over from tummy to back a handful of times.  His first time was on Saturday, February 19th.  Mommy was the only one who witnessed it.  When he's laying on his back, he squirms and scoots all around.  He plants his feet into the floor and arches his bottom and back high in the air. 
  • Is a little bugger at night.  He needs all kinds of soothers to sleep- like Mama, nursing, pacifier, swaddle.  Today his Pedi suggested we try the CIO (cry it out) method if we're ready. I'm not ready yet, by any means.  He's still my new little baby!  He sleeps from about  7:00-6:30, with waking 3-5 times.  He takes about 3 cat naps during the day. 
  • Wears size 3-6 month and 6 month clothes.
  • Drinks three 4.5 ounce bottles while I'm at work and nurses an additional 4-5 times per day. 

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