I started a sleep log in case the doctor we may work with at the Sleep Institute in a St. Louis, MO hospital needs it. Here's a snapshot of one night in our lives.
7:00PM- Nursed Max and held him in the rocking chair because I fell asleep. He slept like a champ.
8:00- I wake up with a wicked crink in my neck and put Max in his crib.
8:05- Max is up... we put him back to sleep (Josh and I alternate)
8:09- Max is up.. put him back to sleep
8:21- Max is up again. Give him gripe water and get him back to sleep. (You can see it's easy to get him to sleep... it's just that he doesn't STAY asleep once he's put down).
8:28-8:42- up again. Eventually get him back to sleep.
8:45- Up again. Fell back asleep by 8:48 and I held him until 8:58.
9:02- Up again. We decide to let him cry awhile.
9:12-9:28- Josh states that it's hurting his heart too much to hear him cry for us and I agree, so I went up to get him. Gave him gas drops and rocked him back to sleep.
He FINALLY stays sleeping longer than 10 minutes so we go to bed.
10:20-10:35- Up again. Change his diaper and feed him.
1:33-1:58- Feed and diaper change
4:48- Feed and diaper change.
5:26- Up and rocked back to sleep
6:14- Up for the day
He actually had two 3 hour chunks of sleep, so although his evening was horrible, the night was better than usual. Those chunks of sleep feel SO good.
We've tried the carseat and the swing at night...no dice on either. I don't think he's in pain when on his back because he plays and sleeps on his back during the day without any problem.
My DVR is building up since we don't usually get to watch any TV in the evenings!
annie kate
6 years ago
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