Sunday, May 1, 2011

A big weekend for our little big boy

This was a big weekend for Max.  He turned six months old today so he decided it was time to grow up a little (even though it makes Mommy sad).  On Saturday he got a haircut.  I was torn because it just seems so early (Claire was 21 months old at her first haircut), but he needed it in a major way. 
What a cutie he is sitting there (in the bumbo)!  Claire was enjoying a 3+ hour nap, so Josh stayed home while she slept, and I lugged Max across the street to Karen's.  I videotaped, took pictures, cleaned up spit-up, wiped his runny nose, played patty cake, and caught loose strands of hair to save.  It was a big moment.  

Today he had his first experience with solid foods!  A tasty mixture of Mommy's milk with baby cereal.  In true Max fashion, he was all smiles.  And did a pretty good job. 

This is how we all felt about the weather today.  C'mon Minnesota, get your act together. 

1 comment:

Becky said...

It looks like he's really enjoying the food! Claire better watch out, he'll be bigger than her in no time. Our weather really needs to shape up, this is ridiculous! Good to see you this weekend! I started a blog for our exciting life :) Feel free to check it out and give me some pointers!