Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Claire's Birthday Party

Max dressed for the occasion in his shirt and tie

No interest in the cupcake.  
You know how we can build up events in our mind, and then the real thing never measures up?  Such was the case with Claire's birthday party.  I had spent hours preparing...buying decorations from Etsy, searching for recipes, making lists, buying groceries, cleaning, cooking, going three places to find Sour Patch Straws, and I have to say the party was disappointing.  Only because the poor girl didn't feel well and didn't act like herself.  In fact, she had the biggest meltdown she's ever had in her two years of life.  Thankfully, it was after half of our guests had left.  I really just felt bad for her.  I thought she would feel better once she was distracted by all of her friends and family, but it just got worse.  I think our guests had fun, so that's good!  I just told myself, that's life.  Or c'est la vie, as my French friends say. 

I made a veggie tray, Pepperoni Dip, Fruit Skewers with Fruit Dip, Mini Crescent Dogs, Chicken Wings (recipe corteousy of Auntie Heather), Cookie Dough Truffles, and Easter Basket cupcakes (for her Easter-themed party), using this recipe for the cupcake itself.  We actually ran out of food, so I think everyone enjoyed it!

Last year when we sang "Happy Birthday" to Claire, she bawled.  This year we didn't get to sing for fear she'd have a nervous breakdown given the mood she was in.  We had even practiced for months.  Who knows what the party next year will hold!

Even with the day's events, we loved celebrating our precious girl and were grateful and thrilled that so many loved ones took time out of their busy lives to join us.  Claire, we love you because we love you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it was a GREAT event even if she didn't feel well...

auntie h