Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Random updates

Work is busy right now. Super, super busy.  I often spend time working after the kids go to bed. But it's all good stuff and  I don't mind spurts like this because I know it won't last forever. 

I haven't had caffeine in over 6 months.  Amazing.  Since Max was born 6 months and 3 weeks ago, I've had two half-cans of coke.  And this was during the most sleep deprived phase of my life!  Mister Max is oddly sensitive to caffeine.  He may have outgrown it but I don't exactly feel like testing the waters.  The only thing I'm missing about it is an occasional fountain coke at a restaurant. He's worth it. :)

Claire has a new obsession with stickers....and with putting them all over her chest (she also did the below while wearing her pajamas).  Gotta love the creativity. 

Do dreams influence reality or does reality influence dreams?  Two nights ago I had a dream that I was taking three vitamins and using Diet Dr. Pepper (odd because I hate diet pop and hate dr pepper) that I got out of the back of Josh's (non-existant) pick-up truck to wash them down. There wasn't enough Diet Dr. Pepper in the cup so I had a hard time swallowing them.  I woke up and my throat literally felt like it had closed.  I leaned over in bed and was wheezing and gasping for air.  Josh woke up and was startled and scared.  I finally was able to begin breathing normally again.  So strange. I'm speculating my brain got the message that my throat was doing whatever it was doing and affected my dream.  

We're going to my mom and Brad's cabin this weekend.  We'll be praying for good weather because it's supposed to be rainy!  Should be a lot of fun. Looking forward to fishing (or rather, watching them fish), good food, family, bonfires, playing outside and, cross your fingers, good, solid, long, sleep for Claire and Max.  That last wish will determine if we stay for one or two nights! 

I'm thankful for my super sweet husband tonight.  As I mentioned, I've been extremely busy at work and am in meetings from 8-4 (which necessitates the working from home at night) so I rarely get a chance to check email during the day lately.  Today, during one of my rare breaks, I read a super short and sweet email from Josh that made me thankful all over again that he chose me. 

The Docken garden, version 2, has been planted!  Thanks to my mom who helped me purchase and plant (really, she did all the planting while I corralled Claire) the veggies.  We planted cucumbers (of course), carrots, green pepper, broccoli and tomatoes.  And maybe something else but it's late and my brain is shutting down.


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