Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Memorial Weekend

We made our first trip of the year to the cabin last weekend.  When we were last there this past October I couldn't believe that the next time I was there, I'd be bringing a 6 month old.  Time seems to simultaneously fly and crawl by. 

Claire inevitably falls asleep on the shortest of car rides.  There have been many a time that I distracted her to the point of annoyance in the car so she would stay awake so as to not mess up her nap.  Yet, she didn't fall asleep for a minute on the entire 2 1/2 hour car ride to the cabin.  Such is life!

 Nana, Grandpa Brad, Uncle Chris and Aunt Becky (and Mommy and Daddy too) enjoyed quality time with Claire and Max.  Josh spent a lot of time fishing.  We enjoyed pork chops over the fire Saturday night, as well as more s'mores than I'd like to admit.   

Max napped well.  Claire napped so-so.  Claire slept perfectly Saturday night (in a crib in a (large) closet) and Max slept so-so (was up maybe 6-7 times).  Gave me reassurance that we'll be able to stay at the cabin as much as we hope to over the summer.  

Claire had great fun playing outside for hours and hours.  It surprisingly stayed very dry and we enjoyed unexpected sunshine.

Max has become a COMPLETE Mama's boy.  I don't remember Claire ever being so attached to me as a baby.  Max starts a pathetic little cry the minute he sees me and he stops as soon as I hold him.  We spent much of the weekend cuddling, hugging and kissing. 

The boys worked hard Sunday morning putting in a second dock. Both Chris and Josh enjoy that kind of work.  Chris and Becky left at 1PM so Chris could get home to work. We had planned on leaving Monday morning but heard there were supposed to be severe strorms so we decided to leave at bedtime Sunday evening.  It worked out perfectly because the kids slept the entire way home and went right back to sleep in their cribs. 

We'll be back at the cabin in two weeks with my Grandpa Rudy and Aunt Marcia.  We can hardly wait!!

1 comment:

Bethanie said...

I love the one of Max giving you kisses on the dock!
I have found too the beauty of leaving at 7pm bedtime! It sure makes for a quiet car trip to Ely, Duluth, or home!