Thursday, July 28, 2011


This is how I occupy M when I'm weeding or tending to the garden, or giving it motivational speeches to GROW!

Note the bunny barrier that was put up after the rabbits ate the entire garden the first time I planted it this year. 

Yum! Broccoli! 

I have three cucumber plants on this side. 

Looking good!
We built this garden just last year so I am still working on getting a green thumb.  My mom has been a great help for me as she's a gardening pro.  Like many gardens, mine got off to a slow start due to the wet and cool June we had.  My first veggies were ready to pick this week and I can tell they're going to come in full force now!   I planted broccoli (our favorite veggie!), green peppers, cucumbers, carrots, and green beans. I also planted a tomato plant in a container.  Look at this goodness!  YUM!

1 comment:

Bethanie said...

I love that in the background of the one picture it looks like Claire is giving Max a push on the swing!